Welcome to the SREE App Support Page

This page provides answers to common questions and support for various functionalities of SREE App.

Table of Contents

Section 1: Introduction

Currently, community-scale sustainability and resilience monitoring, evaluation, and planning are restrained and hampered due to a lack of effective measurement of indicators from the grassroots level, dissemination of information among the multiple stakeholders, and dynamic data analytics to derive the spatio-temporal dynamic variability for selected parameters or scenarios. This requires models for deriving dynamic decisions that can translate to policy recommendations, and future estimation or prediction to plan new interventions to cope with dynamic changes in the ecosystem.

To address the challenge for effective community resilience assessment, we have proposed a technology-based crowd-sourced platform, capable of carrying assessments through a bottom-up approach and bringing multiple stakeholders on a common knowledge acquisition level to make informed community decisions, which can solve community-level sustainability and resilience assessment challenges. The SREE crowd-sourced platform was built to derive geo-enabled varying sustainability and resilience indices for various themes such as Agriculture, Skills & livelihood, Education, Health, and Water, at the household level, community level, district, state, and national level ensuring inclusivity amongst all stakeholders

The SREE App is a mobile application that allows users to track and monitor various events and activities in their community. It also provides a platform for users to share and view events and activities in their community. The app is designed to be user-friendly and easy to use, with a simple and intuitive interface.

The SREE App is available for download on the Google Play Store and the Apple App Store. The app also is available on web at https://sree.amrita.edu

Section 2: Account Management

How do I register?

Once you download the app and open it, you are presented with the login screen. You can click on the Click to Signup button but at the bottom of the screen and proceed with the simple registration process.

How can I reset my password?

Once you enter a wrong password, the password hint you have entered will be shown. Based on the hint you can enter the correct password. If you are still unable to enter the password, you may send an email to amritakripatech@gmail.com or contact your supervisor.

How can I change my password?

The password can be updated from the Profile page. Click on the menu button in the top left corner. Click on the profile menu, then click on the password tab and proceed.

How can I change my profile image, name, email etc.

The password can be updated from the Profile page. Click on the menu button in the top left corner. Click on the profile menu and proceed.

Can I delete my account?

You can delete your account from the profile page. In the profile menu, click on the Delete button to proceed. Once the account is deleted, it cannot be undone. All the data associated with your account is lost.

Section 3: Tracking Events

How to I track events?

Click on the Report Events button from Home page or the Menu

Section 3: Managing Events

How to I View events?

Click on the View my Events button from Home page or the Menu

How to I edit the events?

Click on the View my Events button from Home page or the Menu and proceed as mentioned above to identify the event you want to edit

Section 5: Contact Us

For any further queries you can email us at amritakripatech@gmail.com with appropriate subject. We will get back to you as soon as possible.